
46 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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I couldn't quite follow what the message was. Judging by Jeff's face expression while watching the movie "fin", he seemed skeptical. My first thought was that he didn't like the movie. So, why did he go watch it at the big screen (at a cinema)?

Would you mind explaining the story? Also, elaborate the description :)

cartooniesstudios responds:

Yeah, to be honest I wasn't really going for a big message or anything since this was just a silly test pilot I put together over the course of a few days so I have no idea why I drastically made Jeff transition from being at first skeptical and then go and see it and seem happy at the end!

P.S: Now that you mention it, I suppose I should elaborate the description a bit, seems a little vague to me!

Riktigt bra jobbat! Kul att se fler svenskar som laddar upp saker på Newgrounds. Antar att du studerar animation i Uppsala? :D

twistedspeedo responds:

Tack. Tyvärr har jag inte tid att studera. Jobbar dock med illustration och 3D.

Got me a good laugh! Well done :D

lewispyre responds:

Thanks man! :))))))))

The visuals wasn't that bad but it was hard to tell if it were good as well! Add more camera angels to make the animation more dynamic and interesting. If you only use one angle it becomes rather dull and not stimulating to the receiver (the one watching)
Try that next time, good luck and keep up the work :)

zbyszek responds:

Yes it was one angle. Next time I will try your advise. Thanks

I liked the concept but it was rather slow... and it didn't have any climax! You should had added a better impact when Arceus appeared and killed them! (Made it more dramatic with more camera perspectives etc.) but otherwise it was good! Keep it up (Y)

Ambassadortony responds:

thank you very much :)

A really deep and touching message. The visuals were really nice and it was well synced with the music! Great job!

JoeliusNG responds:

Thanks, glad you liked it!

It was very simple and the song is quite good. Why didn't you continue through the whole song? ^^

Caliber06 responds:

'cause i'm a lazy ass. someone else also told me it felt unfinished as well. I could make an extended version. Thanks for the review anyway!

I liked it! Good colouring, recording was nice and face expressions was spot on! Good work man! :D
The only thing would have been the cop’s arms. If they went hanging instead of going back into the same position as earlier it would have been flawless (my opinion)! But really good anyway ^^

GLoosley responds:


Haha this is entertaining!! Love your work :D

ChutneyGlaze responds:

Thank you!

Hello, welcome to my page! Enough dreaming, time to become a Sakuga! "The only limitation in animation is the person doing it. Otherwise there is no limit to what you can do. And why shouldn't you do it?" - Emery Hawkins


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